About Us

The St Heliers Village Association serves to strengthen each member of our business whānau (family) and hapori (local community). We provide a wide range of services for members including the promotion of St Heliers as a business and shopping area, organising activities to attract people to the precinct as well as member meetings and regular member communication. 

A key role of the St Heliers Village Association is the liaison and engagement with Auckland Council and other authorities to advocate for improvements to the area and lobby for the interest of the businesses.

2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan

The St Heliers Strategic Plan survey was commissioned by the St Heliers Village Association to understand the diversity of thoughts, opinions and ideas from people living and working within the St Heliers Bay Village area.

These insights will inform the St Heliers Strategic Plan 2023-2026, which will be subject to regular review.

View Strategic Plan

Key Insights and Strategies

To find out more information on our BID programme, click on the link above.

  • Parking & Transport

    • Make parking more accessible.
    • Review parking times within the precinct, and by business zones.
    • Evaluate car vs walkability focus of village. 
    • Bus routes & stop locations, frequency, and sizes.
    • Accessibility for biking and stands.
  • Safety & Security

    • Cameras in and adjacent to the precinct connected to the police network.
    • 7-day/week patrols.
    • Strong collaboration with local police.
    • Sharing platform amongst members, and supporting access to council funding.
  • Emergency Planning

    • Refine emergency communications plan, with attention to natural disaster and infrastructure changes. 
    • Business continuity plan and guides template to be available.
    • Encourage businesses to have personal and workplace emergency plans available.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for the St Heliers Village Association was held on 17 October 2023.